Saturday, May 20, 2006

Maria's pressure

I now know the pressure of blog posting . Maria wants something witty and today I feel wittyless .Perhaps Sherri will assist me with one of her 4 letter words or JB can take time from his infinite diapering to help me out with my vacant bloginess for Maria . Do I thank you for virtually visiting and offer you a drink ?


JB said...

Don't feel pressured. It'll stifle the creative juices, and we know you have those, right beside the flavoured coffee drinks. Maybe you could set up some sort of cyberspace drive-thru to making the doling out of beverages easier for you?

Anonymous said...

It is a sad state of affairs when I have to comment on my own site .Ypu know maybe we should patent the *cyber drive thru * thing ??

Maria said...

I am pressuring you now?? OH no... was never meant as pressure. Well, I have a BIG greek baptism celebration today I have been up since 8:00 am to look for a shawl thingy to go over the spaghetti strap top I was going to wear. I was NOT planning to wear anything over it but since it has been pissing rain for upteen days I have no choice.

Off to shower. You all have a great day and the drive thru thingy sounds fun! Count me in.