Monday, June 09, 2008

Book Tag I am late , byte me .
Page 123 from "Stillness Speaks " by Eckhart Tolle  :
( 5th sentence down , next 3 sentences .)

"Watch what happens when you don't name an experience as "bad " and instead bring an inner acceptance , an inner "yes "  to it , and so let it be as it is . 
Whatever your life situation is , how would you feel if you completely accepted it as it is - right Now ?
There are many subtle and not so subtle forms of suffering that are so "normal " they are usually not recognized as suffering and may even feel satisfying to the ego - irritation , impatience , anger , having an issue with something or someone , resentment , complaining . "

I hearby declare this the end of the book tag .
Fini .

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