Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Shrimp On A Treadmill ?

Shrimp in a basket deep fried I can take . Surf and turf ... fine and dandy. But shrimp on a treadmill. Why? I am all for the wonders of science, etc etc. For the life of me I just cannot fathom why a jogging crustacean on a teeny treadmill has any warrant in the scheme of all things awe inspiring. Scientists claim that the shrimp never tire . If I had that many legs maybe I would never tire either. Perhaps shrimp will become strong contenders for running marathons in the near future as long as they don't get stepped on or eaten .One saving grace for the little guys is that the scientists claim when the shrimp are sick that no one wants to eat them .
Who cares ?
Let's get physical .......


N@ Lauzon said...

eew. this is so weird. And a little grody. How do they know that little guy's not tired? He's sweating in water...can't tell. Just cuz he has no expression, doesn't mean he doesn't wanna stop, jump off, sit on the couch and eat cheesies.

Maria said...

Why are we paying scientists to research such a thing?

Ma Horton said...

My sentiments exactly .. why ?

Sean Newbury said...

Pass the cocktail sauce...

Bob said...

Shrimps eat cheesies? Cool!

N@ Lauzon said...

I just notissed u speled physical rong.

Ma Horton said...

Where the crab was my spellcheck .

Bob said...

I prefer my shrimp with seafood sauce.
(Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to regret having posted this comment?)

Ma Horton said...

Because Mr Shrimpeater, we all share the same perverted thoughts .Pass the tartar .