My little Wizard is one year old today. It is hard to believe that I have had him almost an entire year. Having had larger dogs for over twenty years, it has been quite the experience having such a tiny dog in the household. For the most part, I have trained the Wiz like any other dog despite his elfin size. He learned the canine obedience rules in record time. The key word "repertoire" signifies a series of commands the end result meaning treat time. Karma has secretly loved her little brother's training sessions as it invariably means she gets a treat as well. When Wiz gets too rambunctious , as most young puppies do, the word "timeout " means he has to lay his head down and be still for just a little bit. He has at one time or another taken a liking to shoes, baseboards, and most anything within his teething reach. By far the most challenging aspect of this four pound wonder was his toilet training. Believe me when I say I have needed the patience of Job to get through his housetraining. Both my shepherds were trained at 10 weeks old and I could not understand why this idea was just not kicking in for him when he picked up so quickly on many of the other dog basics. The more I read , the more I learned. Their plumbing system would take a while to develop fully. Yorkies are a stubborn breed and somewhere around the 8th month I would notice a big difference.... and I did. My little Wizard loved to do his business in the great outdoors at long last. I still keep his little wee pad by the door for emergencies only but for the most part, the lure of 'outside ' has drawn him to the art of outdoor leg lifting. Karma and Wizzy are great buddies and keep one another company. Wiz loves to snuggle into her warm fur and Karma lets him do pretty much anything to her.
Down the road there is the possibility of a major operation for Wizzy as he was diagnosed with "luxating patella" at 8 weeks of age due to bad breeding. This means he has 2 kneecaps that slide back and forth , one worse than the other, and require an operation to deepen the groove and pin the bone in place. When Wizzy looks at me with those liquid brown eyes I know that I will do anything to give him the quality of life that he deserves when that time comes.
Wiz is such a little character. Despite all the doggie issues we have dealt with , this little ragamuffin has brought joy and laughter into my life and danced his way into the hearts of all he meets. He is the consummate entertainer.
He loves everyone and everything. I believe that is and will forever be his purpose.
Happy Birthday to my sweet boy, the Wizard of Paws .
Happy Birthday Wizard of Poop Sangweeches!
happy birthday little dude!! sooo cute
happy b-day Wizzy ! I love this little guy - he is a lover!!! Cher
Hey Wiz Happy Birthday.....with those eyes and that face you can get away with just about anything dude.
He may be little, but he is 4lbs of pure joy I am sure.
Enjoy your day big guy!
Happy belated BARKday my friend!
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