Dear Dad,
It has been said the apple does not fall far from the tree. That could be true as I was born the day after your own birthday. You use to say that I was almost your birthday gift. Truth be told, I think you were were mine. Throughout my childhood unto this day, your loving heart and generosity have led the way with strength and humor. There is no doubt who it is when your laughter and smile light up the room. Your dancing blue eyes and indomitable spirit have taught this girl a little about life and a lot about love.
Today we celebrate , love and honor you. Today we are all blessed.
Love you Dad.
Thumbs up.
Darling daughter #1.
Happy Birthday! (and many more) to the man from Kap without the Cap
Where can I get me a nice pink, purplish throw thingy like that???
Happy Birthday young man ! Darling Daughter #2
Happy Birthday from Darling Daughter #1 friend. Have a great day and what beautiful thoughts from a great daughter.
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