Monday, October 23, 2006

Karma Chameleon

"You come and go come and go ."Don't be fooled by the innocence .She is into everything ..and I mean everything . She wears my panties , eats my socks and shoes, chews my plants and chair legs and all of this has resulted in yet again another brainstorm idea ( besides the previous post of water yoga ) .I have lost a total of 5 pounds on the puppy diet and I am not the one having Pro Plan for din din . I think I may be onto something here ..lifting puppy squats at a weight of 14 pounds and growing @ a rate of at least 20 times a day ..bending , circling , chasing ,crunching, poopy scooping ...yep , I just might fit into my 60's paisley hot pants by Hallow's Eve .


Anonymous said...

You and the puppy will both be adorable in your undies and paisley pants!

Keep smilin

JB said...

I love the way Karma's ears cross over the top of her head like that...Tremendously cute!