Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Dream

Last night I had a dream , one of those vivid ones that makes you wonder about meanings and direction in life . I remember looking out a window from a high place with my best friend Michelle and as I gazed down from this vantage point I saw a black & tan german shepherd purposefully trotting towards a pool of water . Knowing I had lost my own dog for quite some time now , I said my friend "..that looks like Dakota " ..she replied " .. but it can't be.."I ran down a set of steps and hallways running towards the dog and I knew it was her .She looked different ..younger she used to look ..but it was still her .with her over sized ears , people eyes and glossy black coat..I knew it was her and I ran to her and buried my face in her neck hugging her with all my might .I had found her again Dakota . When I woke up I had been crying but in my mind this morning I thought just maybe it was my beloved dog's telepathic way of giving me her blessing to love again the way I had loved and cared for her .The heart has many rooms and today one of those rooms will be filled . Life is about destiny and choices and direction .
Dawn's puppy will be named * True* and mine will be *Karma*.


N@ Lauzon said...


You are making me teary-eyed at work. People are going to think it's because I really love the new Justin Timberlake song.

Great dream. Comforting dream! Me likey.

Anonymous said...

Wow - and all I ever dream about .... is that I am on the Oprah show - I'm naked - and Tom Cruise won't stop jumping up and down on the friggin' couch !!


Ma Horton said...

Maybe that's because you need to take a CRUISE or buy some new clothes're sooo not anon !!

Anonymous said...

Hey - you are GOOD as this dream interpretation stuff !! You are right - I do need both !!!


Maria said...

I have those dreams too where I wake up crying or laughing hysterically. Several years ago hubby woke up at 4AM to get ready for work since he works at Air Canada and they do these crazy shifts and he said I was singing in my sleep LOUDLY. Then I started moving in bed and started dancing while I was still asleep, the worst part was the song I was singing and dancing to was "In the Navy" by the Village People he started laughing hysterically as he listened to the lyrics and darnnit he woke me up right in the middle of my party.

Anonymous said...

Alright, nice dream, and nice, comforting interpretation, but let's not go all Freud here. "I zink vat ziz dream iss about...".

At the same time, let's not go all Martin Luther King, either. "I had a dream". I know, I know, MLK said HAVE a dream, but hey, I'm trying to be a smartass here, okay?

By the way, have you ever heard the entire "I Have a Dream" speech? Powerful stuff. I finally heard it three or four years ago, when I had to write a story about the anniversary of the speech, when I was working at CTV Newsnet.

One more comment here: Today, we got a news release from the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police, pour vous Québécois et des autres), about a grow op they busted. I had to call for clarification, because the headline on it said something like "Residence used only for growing marijuana dismantled by police". I'm glad I called, because it was the grow op they dismantled, not the entire house!

Three more sleeps until we pig out on turkey at my sister's house!