Sunday, April 01, 2007


The are always the first birds I see on my morning walks with Karma . She wants to chase them but I pull her back as we continue along the pavement . The ravens circle in the gray clouds tormenting us with their endless screeching to one another . They grovel in the grass and pick about the garbage in a black madness to have the first deteriorating morsel . They hunt to feed and find a nesting partner . They sit on the hydro poles and hover in the trees watching us like we are their prey for the day . They stare at us with hungry eyes ...ebony masters of the street . I once saw them clean a dead squirrel off the pavement like it had never existed . Ravens are known for their intelligence and size . These scavengers of the sky have been around for thousands of years . Is it any wonder Edgar Allan Poe immortalized them in a poem . Karma and I hurry our pace as the drizzle begins and I think aloud .."where are the happy birds of spring ... the robins , sparrows and wild canaries ? "
"Quoth the raven ,'Nevermore '."
Happy April First !


N@ Lauzon said...

White Rabbits! White Rabbits! White Rabbits! :)

Ravens attacked Dakota once, when i was walking her - remember that?

Think because she was black. Racing profiling. Even in the audobon world.

Anonymous said...

Caw caw caw......... The Birds, Alfred Hitchcock. The Byrds, Eight Miles High .......Birds of a Feather, Carole Pope, and that bird at the beginning of this blog ... a strikingly cute resemblence to her feathered mother superior. As for Raven's intelligence, I have nothing further intelligent to offer here.

Anonymous said...

Well Ma, if it's any indication, my in-laws miniature schnauzer Harley sniffed out some deers in the backyard, the birds can't be too far behind.

Anonymous said...

My parents' neighbour in Iroquois Falls left a box of groceries in the back of his pick-up truck (this is Iroquois Falls we're talking about, remember) while he ducked into a restaurant for a coffee (pre-Timmy's days in I.F.), and the danged birds ate a box of donuts (pre-Timmy's days in I.F., remember) and were starting in on a package of steak when Rip chased them away.

Dogniece Zoey discovered a rabbit in her backyard pooping grounds today. The poor thing is probably retarded now, after banging his head repeatedly into the wooden fence, trying to escape the huge monster pursuing him.

I'm not sure if he was a white rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit.

Sean Newbury said...

God I love Ravens... and Crows. (yup many a difference) Always have. Had a friend that had one(raven) as a pet once. Thate are REALLY BIG! That was crazayzee!

I can't help but think of the rhyme my Grandmother taught me when I was but a wee one...

One crow sorrow,
Two crows joy,
Three crows a girl,
Four crows a boy.
Five crows silver,
Six crows gold,
Seven crows a secret never to be told.

She told me to always recite this when you saw crows. She told me I'd always have good luck.

...what she didn't tell me, or know... was that Crows are incredible birds, highly intelligent and will mate for life. They develop very tight bonds, which when you dissect the poem a bit helps explain the first two lines...

"Two crows joy": Since they partner for life you'll often find them in pairs; in trees, in the sky. Some times you have to scan around a bit for the other, but if you look you'll often find the second.

"One crow sorrow": Since they do mate for life, if you only find just one, it is the implied sorrow of the 'lost' partner that to poem comments.

Ok enough blabbering... was nice to reminisce about me and my Nan for a few minutes.