Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dreamgirl's Living Nightmare

Like all of you , I am appalled and sickened by the shooting deaths of Jennifer Hudson's family members . I have followed Jennifer's climb to fame and amazing vocals since her American Idol days . In one horrible instant, a madman took all that was precious from her. A mother , a brother , and a seven year old boy killed .. for what ? As the weeks go by , I am sure the forces of good will uncover the facts to this atrocity in Chicago . If you had ever had the chance to catch an interview with Jennifer Hudson , you could not help but be swept away with her vivacity and joy .
Her rise to fame and strong voice became a rags to riches story audiences love .
I pray that this talented young singer and actress finds a way to cope with this unimaginable horror .


Sean Newbury said...

yea, I've not really posted on this, bec ause quite frankly I'm still completely stunned. I mean for a person to loose one family member this way is wrong and beyond comprehesable... but THREE?! How do you ever recover from that.. I wish her and the remaining family my sympathies...

Maria said...

I wish her and the rest of her family strength to deal with this.
Its so difficult to comprehend how someone could do such a thing.