Saturday, January 24, 2009

Feces Felon

The Wizard of Paws (otherwise known as Wizard, the Wiz, Wizzy, Wizzypoopoo or My Wet Little Penis Boy ) is wanted very much for the foul mouthed act of a feces felony. His is described as wearing a black and tan coat with beady little brown eyes. Suspect was last seen in the vicinity of the backyard with his nose to the snow.
It is believed his accomplice providing the contraband is a meek and mild shepherd of German descent. Approach with caution as the little guy has been known to steal your heart .


N@ Lauzon said...

Seriously, do you want to know how much I am loving this whole poo issue? All because you made fun of my sh*teaters back in the day...heheheowheoeheheh

Wizard of Poo.

Cheryl (a.k.a Sherri, and vice-versa) said...

Is the shit-eating strictly a little dog thing? Until Nat started vividly describing the poop sandwiches, I never knew dogs did that!

Ma Horton said...

Well N@t's dogs are self cleaning ..Wizzy just likes Karma's sanshitwiches.

oh and ps laughing here .. my WV is GAGGREAR!!

Sean Newbury said...

If the Wizz would like a change of pace, we're currently offering Mexican Soft Serve here at Casa de Santiago...

Ma Horton said...

Poo gravy on mashed ?

Sean Newbury said...

more like a mole sauce...

Sean Newbury said...

Ma, that cookie in the upper right looks like something that Wizz might enjoy...