Thursday, June 01, 2006

Black Bears, Black Bears hell with White Rabbits .....
Timmins -home to black bears ,blackflies , and black coffee .
ps . I took this photo on hwy 655 a few weeks ago.


JB said...

I think I've already told my running-along-the-road-and-into-a-black-bear story recently on Nat's site, so I won't bore you with it again.
I still want to hug a black bear around the neck someday. They just seem so docile and even-tempered. They're probably not soft and fuzzy, though, eh?

Ma Horton said...

No , but I am soft and fuzzy and I like to hug .

Maria said...

Hugging a bear around that neck doesn't sound to me like such a good idea... call me crazy!

Anonymous said...

I'm here, Ma. Check the post I left last night under "I Miss Bobby and Mr. Lactaid".

Ma Horton said...

You post a bear and find a hairy -backed newsguy !!