Friday, June 30, 2006

Ma BOBed it

....and these 2 cutey patooties you see me with are the one and the only Newsguybobby ( who hails from my neck of the woods ) and the legendary Milky who I met for the very first time in the capitol during the last leg of my trip . I was so happy to meet up with both of them and they were so kind to let me take this picture with them ..( and they HUG like pros ! ) I am considering adoption .


Anonymous said...

Ma: Sorry about my little hissy fit earlier. Maybe you do love Milky and me as much as KK.

Besides, the three of us look freakin' mahvellous!

N@ Lauzon said...

Yay for the peeps in Ottawa! I'm glad Ma's title only had one "O".
