Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Cake & Candle Day To Natalie

Today is the day I gave birth to my second daughter. It seems like yesterday that I held her in my arms and was overcome with emotion in the joy of her arrival into my world.The years go by and still I am overcome with the joy of her arrival each time she visits. Whether she was digging dead goldfish up for show and tell or flashing that megawatt smile of hers, I always knew she was something special.
I could not be prouder of her radio accomplishments but more than that, I am proud of the person she has grown into ..respectful and compassionate towards all life, loving and giving to others. With her grandfather's sense of humor and her own unique facial expressions, Natalie can bring out the laughter in anyone when they need it the most.
Thirty four years ago today around dinnertime, I will remember her arrival with my own secret smile and a heart full of love.
Happy Birthday Natalie.


Unknown said...

Thinking of you Nat.
Good looking picture.

Sean Newbury said...

You dun good Donna!

Ma Horton said...

Double double daughters !

Bob said...

Twice, indeed.

redhen said...

Happy Proud Mom's Day Donna and Happy Birthday Nat from mom's friend's sister. How's that for confusion?

Ma Horton said...

Confusing .

Maria said...

That was so sweet. I got goosebumps reading it!

Happy Birthday to your little girl, because we all know for a mother no matter the age of her kiddies they will always be her babies.

Bob said...

My kids are the smartest, prettiest, most talented, blah blah blah.
Okay, we get it and we agree. Now pull your head out of... the clouds and post something new.

(Oooh, man, I'm gonna catch it for this one, aren't I?)

Bobbycakes the Ass

Ma Horton said...

You count your unlucky stars I just read this now Bobbyass.Grrrrrrrrrr....nevah make a mama bear mad over her cubs dammit.