Whoa , whoa whoa .. what's new was my virginal time hearing "The Vagina Monologues" at the Galerie MX in Montreal last night . As most of you already know my baby N@ was reading a part in the play . In my day ( and believe me I am well aware of how parental that sounds ) , we would have called it the "The Down There Monologues " or " The Pee Pee Monologues " . Heck , I am a grown woman and I can certainly say it now . All proceeds went to V-Day which is dedicated to stopping violence against women in our society . That is precisely the reason that N@ did the reading . As I hobnobbed with the beautiful people , it did not take me long to realize that I was behind the fashion times . I was wearing black dress pants . Most of the ladies had left their pants at home and just wore black tights and knee high boots . I must remember that . I ran into Eva Avila ( of Canadian Idol fame ) posing for photographers . We chatted for a bit then she booted it out in her black thigh highs . I strolled around with my free glass of chardonnay viewing the paintings on exhibit by an artist called Niko . All of the the art work featured paintings of women with huge red collagen lips . You could interpret that a few ways .
Niko was generous enough to give 15% of all her sales to V - Day . When the show started I wedged myself between the Global and CTV cameras and took my own pictoral. Natalie did a fantastic job of reading the old woman part . When Patsy Gallant went on and on mouthing guttural sounds about the little man in the boat , I thought there might have been a few guys in there who were anxious to get home and park the porpoise .
It was a fun night out and I learned a lot about art , fashion , and tacos . The best part of all was actually making new friends with the real beautiful people of the night ... Sandra , Alice , and Twiggy ...and of course , Scottypants and Kittycakes .
.... yes Virginia , there is a vagina and it is permissible to say it out loud .
Vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina...
Seriously, after you hear it a couple dozen times it's as benign as, say: coffee cup.
I had a blast last night... whodathunk standing around in an over heated art gallery with the hobbin and nobbin types, hearing tale after tail (heh) about Vaginas would be so enjoyable? The red wine helped. AS DID the company. (wink wink)
All in all I can say, as a gay man, I have a better understanding of a Vagina and am ever more steadfast in my resolution to remain a gay man.
You are too funny . I do not have penis envy either ..can we talk about "that little pickle " online ?
Great pictures, Ma. Nat looks amazing. Lovely. Glowing. Effervescent, even. She both fits right in with - and stands out amongst - the best of them. I'll bet you're prouder than ever.
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