Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Bear Facts #2

Now we have learned that bears can climb higher than you even without a ladder . Bears can run faster than you . Swim better than you and eat a whole lot more food than you . In fact, the whole time they are awake is a constant quest for more food so that they can go back to sleep again . Similar to our well loved but annoying NGB only much hairier . Bears have been known to travel over 100 miles to find a good dinner . They instinctively know that they must build up on their fat cells and hit their heaviest weight in the fall in preparation for the big sleep . The bears find a hidden area in the bush often fallen trees, crevices and brush before the snow flies . Their metabolism and heart rate slows down to more than half . They do not eat , urinate , defecate or exercise for the winter months . They curl up in a ball with their heavy fur coats to keep them warm . My friend from the MNR said often the female bear gives birth in the den in February without even knowing she has done so . What a cheap way to escape the pain of labour . Momma bear emerges from the den not as one but often with 2 or 3 hungry cubs trailing behind her . Glen told me the story of a mother bear with her 2 cubs who had been foraging around the Timmins city neighborhoods for last minute hibernation treats . An irate citizen shot the mother and left the cubs to fend for themselves . Without Momma around , the babies had a garbage food fest and a party with the family dogs . Chased up a tree , the orphan cubs were tranquilized and contained until they could be shipped to a bear rehabilitation centre down south . Just before the move , nature stepped in and sent the babies on a snooze cruise . Apparently , the cubs were ready for hibernation and it became impossible to wake the little guys up . The local MNR crew made a den for them of twigs and evergreens and left the little teddy bears alone for the big sleep until spring . You have to admit hibernation is a fascinating subject .
Tune in Friday for The Bear Facts #3.
All BEAR . All REAL .


Anonymous said...

Man, imagine not going for a dump for six months! I bet N@ wishes Farnsy and Flea could do that.

When I worked at McTV in Shaniaville so many years ago, one of our reporters went out in early spring with the MNR, to fit electronic tracking collars on mama bears. He got right into the den with the sow and her cubs, even though at that time of year, it was possible that he would wake her up. It didn't happen, but imagine if it did. Talk about having a big dump!

Ma Horton said...

Amazing is it not ?? ..not the dump but the deep sleep .

JB said...

"Similar to our well loved but annoying NGB only much hairier"...

Are you sure they're hairier?
How exactly are you sure?

Ma Horton said...

Fokelore and legend.

Anonymous said...

That's me: The Legend.

Maria said...

reminds me of a shirt I saw in Mexico...

Went like this:

(Arrow pointing upwards) THE MAN
(Arrow pointing Downwards) THE LEGEND