While I was out west , I am proud to say that I was a contributing member of the local Skyrocket program on a daily basis . I had never heard of the particular program before this trip . There were no official documents to sign nor was there an initial training course. Luckily for me , I was able to give without too much strain or upheaval . I usually contributed in the morning . I think a lot of people gave after their morning coffee intake . There was the odd time , I was feeling overly generous and gave twice . In the beginning , I had to wonder if I was in some sort of covert operation and would be canned for smuggling illegal contraband . The Sisters quickly flushed that thought away explaining that the program was all on the up and up . I was aware that sheep and cows contributed but I have to tell you that this the first time ever that I thought humans could give so freely and openly . If you haven't already guessed , this is a unique program to the Comox Valley where human feces , and to be less technical , poop , is recycled into a nutrient rich mulch for the purpose of growing bigger and better flowers , lawns , trees and shrubs , and yes ..... vegetables . They call it a soil conditioner not a fertilizer . Who knew I had this in me to grow crops and gardens of amazing proportions ? I have never had a green thumb ... or bowel . Skyrocket is actually made at a facility beside the Comox Valley Waste Management Center where woods chips are mixed with biosolids ..a nice word for sewer sludge .
It is baked for two weeks until it is pasteurized . Marketing strategies promote this soil supplement as safe and odourless . Supply and demand is at its peak .
I have to tell you that I did see some very big plants at the local Farmer's Market . Gourds of massive proportions and eggplants as big as stools .
When The Sisters mentioned Skyrocketing to me , I had imagined myself as participant in a novice asstronaut program . With my newly found knowledge , I now know that it is the plants that are reaching for the stars and not me .
Waste not want not .
You're not shittin' us, are you, Ma?
Somehow, it strikes me as being somewhat Soylent Green.
Google it... nuttin' but the truth .
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