Thursday, December 27, 2007

Silent House , Empty House

Two of my Christmas lights went out this afternoon when N@ and Corn left on the plane back to their dogs and condo in Montreal . We had a wonderful time together . Scottypants and I had a fun, crazy time making the Christmas video for Maria. I just have to look at my daughter and I cannot help myself but smile . The minutes flew by like it always does when you are having a good time . Last night we played a game at Dawn's house called " What Does Yours Look Like? " My father had some answers that had me rolling on the floor laughing . Guess you had to be there ..... and I wish you were . This is exactly what James Stewart meant in the old movie "It's a Wonderful Life ."
You will not see any pictures of us saying good bye at the airport . Like N@ , I do not like to say good bye . Just the way we are .
Miss you .
Hello .
... and hugs .


JB said...

I just love your big, squishy heart.

I'm really glad you all had a good visit.
(...and I had a feeling certain Scott-talents were involved in making the video.)

Happy New Year, Ma.

Maria said...

A very Happy New Year to you and yours. I loved that post. They are both so lucky to have you as their mama!! and vice versa.

We missed N@ here in Montreal as well. Not hearing her on those airwaves just ain't the same.

BTW, thanks for the video and glad you had some help with it.

Don't fret Ma it won't be long before N@ and Corn are back for another visit.

Glad you all had an absolutely marvelous time.