Monday, July 28, 2008

The Two Headed Dog


Bob said...

Reminds me of the Danny DeVito-Arnold Schwarzenegger movie "Twins". Or what was the one where the two guys were conjoined?

Bob said...

Oh, yeah: "Stuck on You" with Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear.

Anonymous said...

Ma, I think you should keep Wiz. Both dogs are the cutest ever! How could you look at that picture and want to give one of them away... I have a small dog (not as small as Wiz) and I wish I could also have a big one. They look perfect together. Please keep him and post a million pictures on your blog!

Bob said...

You know, the longer you wait, the harder it will be on Karma if you do give Wiz the boot. It's obvious that her maternal instinct is at work.
My sister has the same dilemma with her golden doodle and the half chihuhua-half pomeranian her university attending daughter bought last year. If Jack and Zoey were ever separated, it would cause major emotional upheaval to both of them.