From the day Wiz entered our lives he got attached to crocs ( the shoes not the reptiles ) . His petite size gave him a comforting view of feet and since I ( and my friend ) wore crocs around the house he got in the habit of following them like they were a surrogate mother . During the day and at night he sleeps either beside them or in one of them inside his kennel . Hence the nic "crocadog". I ordered a little faux croc carrying "purse " that we call the "mouse house ". When you have a German Shepherd around the place this little wizzer is like having a little mouse running around your crocs .
More to follow on how Karma is taking to the Wizard .
(p.s. Tim opening day delay due to paving parking lot problems ... hopefully this weekend , if it does not rain but that is every day ..blah ).
wow he's smaller than the actual crocs... love it.
...and I am a size 6 !!
He is simply adorable.
So...I'm not good with recognizing breeds.
Is Wiz a Miniature Yorkshire Terrier?
Very cute, great eyes.
Too small for us, though.
The twins aren't ready for little pets around the house just yet.
By the way - with my late-onset dyslexia, I initially thought the title of your latest blog post was "Wiz The Crackdog", and you were going to tell us about how you had saved this little canine from a life of drug dependence.
The more I see his adorable little face the more I want to just sqeeze him... in a huggy, squishy sort of way.
He is one of the smaller breed Yorkshire terriers ...they say "teacup " but there is no such dog ..just a runt bred to a runt resulting in a runt . He will be 4 to 6 pounds max . He is a very quiet ,obedient little guy and coming along great . I want him to have the perfect forever home . More later ...
I know a wonderful lady... my mom in law who would love him!! Is he for sale?
Oh he's cute, you have to keep him. Look at that face.
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