Thursday, September 27, 2007

Downward Dog

I am now into my 5th session of yoga and for anyone who is thinking of doing this I highly recommend it for stress and flexibility . The class my daughter and I take is called asanas yoga which consists of gentler stretching movements to improve the balance of mind and body . Our teacher has the candles lit and the soft music flowing and we are encouraged to leave all our troubles outside the door . One embarrASSing problem for some of us who enter into total relaxation is the unexpected flatulence that occurs almost every class . So far luck has been on my side even when my tummy is gurgling up a storm like last night . My daughter never fails to tell me later about the other gaseous incidences . At those times I find my deafness to be a plus . Entering into a pose like the downward dog with your butt in the air and the next person barely a few feet away , makes you extremely aware of doing anything cheeky . One time I felt like bursting into song just for the helluva of it . "Please release me , let me go ...." By the time an hour and half has passed we are into relaxation time and sometimes the sound of my teacher's voice and the lull of the music sends me off into la la land . ZZZZZZZ.
As far as the dog picture goes , I just thought you guys might enjoy the pose .. yoga or not .


Sean Newbury said...

My Dad always says, "Where ever you may be, let your wind blow free!" And you know what, I have to agree.

Look we all do it! What's the big whoop!?

enjoy it.

Embrace it!

Why not compete and see who has the loudest? longet? most musical?

As for the pic... it's cute. I'd like to submit two alterate titles for the pic itself, if I may...

-The Nutcracker.

-Because he can!

Anonymous said...

Puppy better be careful. If he catches what he looks like he's after, he might experience a self-induced, high-pitched yelp.

Ma Horton said...

I do not recommend this for stress ...flexibility maybe ...

JB said...

MK, a gay guy once told me this joke:
While passing his friend's dog - which was on the floor of the kitchen, licking itself - he said to the dog's owner,
"Don't you wish you could do that?"
His friend replied,
"Not anymore. I tried it once, but he bit me."

Sean Newbury said...